Guest View: Our current response is ‘anti-health care’
In our work here in Eugene, tending to hospitalized patients with serious…
Measure 110 would shift Oregon away from punishing drug addiction to a health-based, treatment-first approach — one long-known by the medical community as the effective, compassionate way to overcome addiction. We know what works, and Measure 110 will expand access to services that will help people and save lives.
Vote Yes on Measure 110 to expand addiction treatment
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 20-plus years of helping…
Measure 110 will make treatment available on-demand so that when someone reaches out for help, the hand of recovery will be reaching back.
For Southwest Portland political organizers, Measure 110 is personal
Bobby Byrd was never a political person. He’s spent the last few…
We need on-demand drug treatment, now
Drug addiction impacts millions of Americans and their families. According to the…
"Addiction doesn’t stop with the individual affected, it has a ripple effect that touches every aspect of one’s life. Relationships fall apart and stable housing and jobs are lost."
My Voice: Eastern Oregon residents need measure 110, health-oriented addiction approach
As a lifelong resident of rural Oregon, I know all too well…
I’ve dealt with this firsthand as a health care provider, seeking access to recovery for patients ready to beat their addiction. Finding a spot in a drug treatment program immediately is next to impossible.
Oregon Ballot Initiative Analysis: Measure 110 (2020)
Oregon Measure 110 – Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act Summary: Oregon’s…
Opinion | Housing advocates and frontline providers agree: Yes on Measure 110
The overdose epidemic, housing crisis, COVID pandemic and policing disparities have many…
The measure comes at a time when we urgently need it, but victory won’t be easy.
Measure 110: Oregon needs adequate drug addiction treatment
As a longtime resident of Clackamas County, I was pleased to see…
Rabbi’s Corner: Measure 110 a humane, effective approach to drug addiction
Pirke Avot Chapter 2:16 teaches us that (Rabbi Tarfon) used to say……
Oregon’s largest addiction and mental health treatment providers support Measure 110
Dear Friends, As…
Measure 110 can change (and save) lives
As an emergency healthcare provider, I support Measure 110. I have worked…
Opinion: A ‘yes’ on Measure 110 will ensure Oregon treats addiction as the health care issue it is
Oregon is in the midst of a drug addiction crisis; one to…