The Health Justice Recovery Alliance is a statewide advocacy organization that represents nearly 100 community-based organizations and addiction recovery service providers across the state. We work to improve Measure 110 implementation policies and practices, and to ensure that the law’s funding focuses on healing and restoring the communities most harmed by racist drug war policies: Black, Indigenous, Latino, Tribal, Native and other communities of color.

Partnership for Safety and Justice
Mission: To transform our response to crime through innovative solutions that ensure accountability, equity, and healing.

NAACP Eugene/Springfield
Mission: To create political, educational, social, economic equality for all people & end race-based discrimination. In Lane County, primary activities include implementation of education programs, public awareness events, community building, and coalition work towards cultural inclusion. Additionally, the Eugene Springfield NAACP provides support to other regional offices.

NAACP Portland
Mission: To secure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights in order to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons.

Bridges to Change
Mission: To strengthen individuals and families affected by addictions, mental health, poverty and homelessness.

Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon
Mission: To create a just and equitable world where Asians and Pacific Islanders are fully engaged in the social, economic and political issues that affect them.

NAYA Family Center
Mission: To enhance the diverse strengths of our youth and families in partnership with the community through cultural identity and education.

Community Outreach through Radical Empowerment (CORE)
Mission: To support, empower and advocate for young people. All of CORE’s programs are created based on ideas and feedback from young people living on the streets in Eugene, Oregon.

Jewish Federation of Greater Portland
Mission: To lead, build and strengthen and renew a dynamic local Jewish community, as well as represent its interests and concerns.

Drug Policy Alliance
Mission: To advance those policies and attitudes that best reduce the harms of both drug use and drug prohibition, and to promote the sovereignty of individuals over their minds and bodies.

Unite Oregon
Mission: To work across Oregon to build a unified intercultural movement for justice.

Restored Connections Peer Center
Mission: To serve the Lane County area in an evidence-based approach to individuals seeking a recovered lifestyle.

Mission: To improve the lives of Latinx immigrants and their families in Oregon through advocacy, coalition building, leadership development, and civic engagement.

Latino Network
Mission: To positively transform the lives of Latino youth, families, and communities.

ACLU Oregon
Mission: To defend and advance civil liberties and civil rights.

Addictions Recovery Center, Inc.
Mission: To provide individuals and their families the opportunity to choose a healthier way of life.

Alano Club of Portland
Mission: To provide a welcoming, compassionate and accessible recovery support environment for individuals and families recovering from alcoholism, drug addiction and other addictive disorders.

Black Unity
Mission: Created by people of color and white allies who seek fair and just treatment of Black lives and Black voices by placing a spotlight on awareness and education on how Black lives have been affected by police brutality and bias.

Basic Rights Oregon
Mission: To ensure that all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Oregonians experience equality by building a broad and inclusive politically powerful movement, shifting public opinion, and achieving policy victories.

Brown Hope
Mission:To lead community-grounded initiatives to make justice a lived experience for Black, Brown, and Indigenous people in Oregon.

Cascade AIDS Project
Mission: To support and empower all people living with or affected by HIV, reduce stigma, and provide the LGBTQ+ community and beyond with compassionate healthcare.

Central City Concern
Mission: To provide pathways to self-sufficiency through active intervention in poverty and homelessness.

Changing Patterns
Mission: To assist citizens returning home from incarceration to become healthy, well-respected members of their families and productive members of our communities.

Coalition of Communities of Color
Mission: To address the socioeconomic disparities, institutional racism and inequity of services experienced by our families, children and communities; and to organize our communities for collective action resulting in social change to obtain self-determination, wellness, justice and prosperity.

Community Alliance of Lane County
Mission: To educate and mobilize for peace, human dignity, and social, racial and economic justice.

Crime Victims' Rights Alliance
Mission: To educate future lawyers about issues related to crime victims advocacy; to acknowledge and further the rights of crime victims in all areas of law, and to encourage all law students and lawyers to advocate for the just treatment of these unwilling participants in the justice system.

Democratic Party of Multnomah County
Mission: to engage and share our resources with the people of our county to empower them to raise their voices through their votes and community actions.

East County Rising
Mission: To provide community and electoral organizing opportunities for residents to partake in issue-based electoral and campaign work. To transform east county by educating and mobilizing voters, training progressive candidates, and working with elected officials to pass meaningful policy that improves east county.

Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
Mission: To bring together diverse communities of faith to learn, serve and advocate for justice, peace and the integrity of creation; to bring the faith community’s voice to the policy-making process to ensure a life of possibility for all Oregonians.

Escudo Latino
Mission: To integrate the Latinx community of Springfield into a unique community that helps and supports one other.

Family Forward Oregon
Mission: to create a family-forward Oregon where all families can be economically secure and have the time it takes to care for a family.

Fires Igniting the Spirit
Mission: To help Native American people on this land regain and preserve connections to their culture and land. Fires Igniting the Spirit is a part of multiple interconnected networks and movements working with people in need throughout this land.

Forward Together Action
Mission: To unite communities to win rights, recognition and resources for all families.

Freedom to Thrive
Mission: To create a world where safety means investment in people and planet; to end the punishment-based criminal and immigration systems.

Health Care for All Oregon
Mission: to bring equitable, affordable, comprehensive, high-quality, publicly funded health care to everyone in Oregon and the United States.

HIV Alliance
Mission: To provide care coordination, nurse management, and pharmaceutical support to people living with HIV/AIDS in 13 counties: Lane, Douglas, Jackson, Marion, Josephine, Coos, Klamath, Lake, Lincoln, Linn, Benton, Curry, and Clatsop Counties. We have three offices in Lane, Marion, and Douglas Counties, and have nurses in Jackson County.

Human Impact Partners
Mission: To conduct policy-focused and participatory research to evaluate the health impacts of policies across a range of issues including criminal justice, economic security, immigration, housing, land use, and transportation.

IBEW Local 48
Mission: To organize all workers in the entire electrical industry; to cultivate feelings of friendship among those in the industry; to assist each other in sickness or distress; to secure adequate pay for work in order to achieve a higher standard of living, to seek security for individual members, to elevate the moral, intellectual, and social conditions of members and their families. IBEW Local 48 represents over 4,000 workers in a variety of electrical fields.

Impact NW
Mission: To prevent homelessness by partnering with people as they navigate their journey to stability and opportunity.
Justice Advocates
Mission: To eliminate unfair and harmful practices by courts and prisons and the repeal of mandatory minimum sentencing in Oregon.

Law Enforcement Action Partnership
Mission: To unite and mobilize the voice of law enforcement in support of drug policy and criminal justice reforms that will make communities safer by focusing law enforcement resources on the greatest threats to public safety, promoting alternatives to arrest and incarceration, addressing the root causes of crime, and working toward healing police-community relations.

Mental Health and Addiction Association of Oregon
Mission: MHAAO is an inclusive peer-run organization dedicated to self-direction honoring the voice of lived experience.

New Approach Oregon
Mission: To win more effective approaches to drugs in Oregon.

Next Up Oregon
Mission: To amplify the voice and leadership of diverse young people to achieve a more just and equitable Oregon.

Oregon AFSCME Council 75
One of Oregon’s largest public sector unions, representing 29,000 workers across the state. Members include public and private sector employees who provide a public service, including those who work for the State of Oregon or an Oregon city, county, or special district, doctors, nurses, treatment providers, county health clinics, the department of corrections, homelessness service providers, and many more.

Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
OCDLA provides continuing legal education, formal, and informal networking, legislative action, and produces manuals, publications and email lists for the legal defense community.

Oregon DA for the People
Mission: To elect District Attorneys committed to ending the disproportionate harm caused to communities of color by the criminal legal system; to hold District Attorneys accountable and reduce the harms of the criminal legal system.

Oregon Food Bank
Mission: To eliminate hunger and its root causes.

Oregon League of Conservation Voters
Mission: To work within local and state governments to demand clean air and water, healthy forests and wildlife, and a renewable energy future for all Oregonians.

Oregon Nurses Association
Mission: to use our collective power to advocate for nursing, quality health care and healthy communities.

Oregon School Social Workers Association
Mission: To build a connection with other school social workers, develop a voice in the community and school districts for school social workers, build an advocacy group to educate and encourage the use of school social workers in Oregon, and support and develop the license that legitimized school social work in Oregon.

Oregon Society of Addiction Medicine
ORSAM is a chapter of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), the Nation’s leading addiction medicine professional society. ASAM represents over 4,000 physicians and associated professionals dedicated to increasing access and improving the quality of addiction treatment; educating physicians, other medical professionals and the public; supporting research and prevention; and promoting the appropriate role of physicians in the care of patients with addictions.

Oregon Working Families Party
The Oregon Working Families Party is a progressive grassroots political party building a multiracial movement of working people to transform America.

Our Revolution Central Willamette
Mission: To reclaim democracy for the working people of our country by harnessing the transformative energy of the “political revolution.” Through supporting a new generation of progressive leaders, empowering millions to fight for progressive change and elevating the political consciousness, Our Revolution will transform American politics to make our political and economic systems once again responsive to the needs of working families.

Outside In
Mission: To help homeless youth and other marginalized people move towards improved health and self-sufficiency.

Outside the Frame
Mission: To empower homeless and marginalized youth to educate the public by producing films with youth that convey their experience.

Mission: To build positive relationships with 15-25 year old homeless and transitional youth through Education, Arts and Recreation to affirm personal worth and create more meaningful and healthier lives.

Pacific Northwest Family Circle
Mission: Unite Oregon and Washington Families to struggle on behalf of their Loved Ones for police accountability. PNWFC is an all-volunteer community group that supports Oregon and Washington Families whose Loved Ones were killed or injured by police officers.

Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (PCUN)
Mission: To empower farmworkers to understand and take action against systematic exploitation and all of its effects. PCUN is Oregon’s farmworker union and the largest Latinx organization in the state.

PHOENIX Rising Transitions
PHOENIX Rising Transitions is a grassroots community-based organization that provides transitional support including education, mentoring and community building with special concern for releasing convicts, ex-convicts and their families, crime victims and the community at large.

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon
Mission: To defend the Planned Parenthood mission by advocating for public policy that will enhance and protect reproductive health care; by building support and accountability among elected officials in Oregon; and by engaging and motivating the public.

Portland Jobs with Justice
Mission: To take action for workers rights and economic justice, especially with those most marginalized by our economic system such as people of color, immigrants, LGBTQ people and women.

Prism Health
Prism Health is Oregon’s first LGBT primary health clinic that offers a safe, affirming, and non-judgmental space where all members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community can obtain the compassionate and culturally effective health care they need and deserve.

Rahab's Sisters
Mission: To create community through radical hospitality with those marginalized by poverty, houselessness, sex work, violence and substance use. Their doors are open to anyone who identifies as a woman or gender nonconforming.

Mission: To make expungement accessible to everyone.

Remnant Initiatives
Mission: To inspire and coach our community into action; to serve neighbors transitioning from incarceration into mainstream society in Yamhill Valley, Oregon.

Rhythm Nation
Mission: To inspire others to make activism a larger part of their lives; to fight for vitally important issues in Oregon.

Rural Organizing Project
Mission: To strengthen the skills, resources, and vision of primary leadership in local autonomous human dignity groups with a goal of keeping such groups a vibrant source for a just democracy.

Mission: To promote human rights, respond when abuses of human dignity occur, and urge public institutions to address social justice concerns. SAfER is committed to immigrant rights and racial justice, LGBTQ rights, and the right to shelter.

SEIU Local 503
SEIU Local 503 represents over 72,000 workers in Oregon, including care providers, workers in higher education, state and local government, and non-profit. Their vision is a just and vibrant society where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

SEIU Local 49
Representing more than 15,000 members throughout Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Members work in a variety of facilities in the healthcare, security, custodial and service industries. They stand for fair pay, affordable healthcare, dignity and a voice at work.

Sierra Club Oregon Chapter
Mission: To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth’s ecosystems and resources; To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.

Sponsors, Inc.
Mission: To transform lives and strengthensthe community by providing life-changing opportunities for people with conviction histories. Sponsors offers a broad range of services—housing, employment, counseling, and mentoring—that people need to be successful.

Students for Sensible Drug Policy
Mission: To mobilize and empower young people to participate in the political process, pushing for sensible policies to achieve a safer and more just future.

Sunrise Beaverton
Mission: A youth movement to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process. We’re building an army of young people to make climate change an urgent priority across America, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and elect leaders who stand up for the health and wellbeing of all people. Sunrise Beaverton is a Hub of the Sunrise Movement.

United Food and Commercial Workers 555
United Food and Commercial Workers 555 represents 25,000 workers and their families throughout Oregon and SW Washington. The union includes grocery, meat, CCK, and non-food retail workers, members working in manufacturing and processing plants, as well as patient care in the healthcare industry, and more.

White Bird Clinic
Mission: To enable people to gain control of their social, emotional and physical well-being through direct service, education and community.

WomenFirst Transition & Referral Center
Mission: To provide nourishing environments where women can rebuild their lives and self-worth through peer mentorship, life skills trainings, empowerment groups, and essential community support.

Yes on 110
The statewide ballot initiative campaign that worked to pass Measure 110, the Drug Addiction Treatment & Recovery Act, into law during the November 2020 election.

YWCA of Greater Portland
Mission: to eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all