Alliance Members

The Health Justice Recovery Alliance is a statewide advocacy organization that represents nearly 100 community-based organizations and addiction recovery service providers across the state. We work to improve Measure 110 implementation policies and practices, and to ensure that the law’s funding focuses on healing and restoring the communities most harmed by racist drug war policies: Black, Indigenous, Latino, Tribal, Native and other communities of color.

Measure 110 is ramping up investment in long-needed services across Oregon. Detox and recovery beds are being provided, new counseling staff are being hired, and people can access addiction and treatment services more quickly, closer to home, free of charge, and without fear of arrest.

Our Values

Holistic Healing Behavioral Healthcare

Mission: To provide community-based, culturally specific integrated behavioral healthcare to children, adults, and families throughout the Portland metropolitan area.

Bridges to Change

Mission: To strengthen individuals and families affected by addictions, mental health, poverty and homelessness.

Miracles Club

Mission: To rebuild lives, restore families, and renewing our community.

Mental Health and Addiction Association of Oregon

Mission: MHAAO is an inclusive peer-run organization dedicated to self-direction honoring the voice of lived experience.

Fresh Out Community Based Re-Entry

Mission: To help underserved, overrepresented African American men and women transition from prison back into the community.

Northwest Instituto Latino de Adicciones

Mission: Fortalecer lazos profesionales, brindar oportunidades educativas y programas de recuperación culturalmente específicos a la comunidad de habla hispana. (To strengthen professional ties, provide culturally specific educational opportunities and recovery programs to the Spanish-speaking community.)

Outside In

Mission: To help homeless youth and other marginalized people move towards improved health and self-sufficiency.

Oregon Washington Health Network (OWhN)

Mission: To integrate physical, mental, behavioral, and public health services to improve health outcomes and health equity focusing on access, quality, and cost effectiveness.

Central City Concern

Mission: To provide pathways to self-sufficiency through active intervention in poverty and homelessness.

Unite Oregon

Mission: To work across Oregon to build a unified intercultural movement for justice.

Partnership for Safety and Justice

Mission: To transform our response to crime through innovative solutions that ensure accountability, equity, and healing.

Alano Club of Portland

Mission: To provide a welcoming, compassionate and accessible recovery support environment for individuals and families recovering from alcoholism, drug addiction and other addictive disorders.

Freedom to Thrive

Mission: To create a world where safety means investment in people and planet; to end the punishment-based criminal and immigration systems.

Drug Policy Alliance

Mission: To advance those policies and attitudes that best reduce the harms of both drug use and drug prohibition, and to promote the sovereignty of individuals over their minds and bodies.

Oregon Society of Addiction Medicine

ORSAM is a chapter of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), the Nation’s leading addiction medicine professional society. ASAM represents over 4,000 physicians and associated professionals dedicated to increasing access and improving the quality of addiction treatment; educating physicians, other medical professionals and the public; supporting research and prevention; and promoting the appropriate role of physicians in the care of patients with addictions.

White Bird Clinic

Mission: To enable people to gain control of their social, emotional and physical well-being through direct service, education and community.

WomenFirst Transition & Referral Center

Mission: To provide nourishing environments where women can rebuild their lives and self-worth through peer mentorship, life skills trainings, empowerment groups, and essential community support.
