Measure Will Reduce Racial Disparities And Save Money, State Officials Say
reduce convictions for drug possession by about 91 percent...
Members concluded it would reduce convictions for drug possession by about 91 percent...
Oregon lawmakers request first-ever racial impact analysis for drug decriminalization initiative
There would be a significant decrease in misdemeanor and felony drug possession convictions across demographic groups
125,000 signatures and counting
Oregon Initiative Proposal 44 would create the Drug Addiction and Recovery Act.…
Addiction services get a big push toward the ballot
Campaign ahead of schedule in making drug treatment resources a reality
Organizers have already exceeded...
Organizers have already exceeded the hundreds of thousands of signatures required to qualify.
Proposed initiative would make drug treatment more widely available
The proposed initiative would...
"We have to stop being naive that we can think that we can continue to incarcerate ourselves out of this issue."
Oregon Ballot Initiative Prioritizes Health over Punishment for Drug Use
Oregon Ballot Initiative Prioritizes Health over Punishment for Drug Use
IP 44 launches a new vision of drug treatment and recovery in Oregon
"...we're still doing the same thing, treating addiction as a moral failing…
"...we're still doing the same thing, treating addiction as a moral failing instead of like a medical illness."
Campaign begins for drug treatment ballot measure
Rather than arrests, addicted Oregonians would have more access to treatment.
Rather than arrests, addicted Oregonians would have more access to treatment.