More than $400 Million Awarded to Providers, as Oregon Continues Historic Investment in Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Services
The Oregon Health Authority & Oversight & Accountability Council prioritized current providers,…

The Oregon Health Authority & Oversight & Accountability Council prioritized current providers, desperately needed culturally and linguistically specific services, and rural counties keeping existing networks whole across the state at a time when services are most needed.
Culturally and linguistically-specific services making recovery accessible: Barney’s story
Behavioral Health Resource Networks (BHRNs) created through Measure 110 have enabled a…
In their own words: BHRN services recipient spotlight
Behavioral Health Resource Networks (BHRNs) created through Measure 110 have enabled a…
As drug recriminalization goes into effect, addiction recovery providers call on leaders to implement real deflection as promised
PORTLAND, Ore. — As drug recriminalization goes into effect starting September 1,…

The Police-Provider Connection Project has proven a successful means of deflecting individuals in need of such services out of our overburdened courts and jails and into services where sustained recovery is more possible. We need to continue to support evidence-based interventions to reduce drug related deaths in our community. In the age of illicit fentanyl, with unintentional drug overdose killing more young Americans than any other cause, this is no time to go backwards.
Lane County Addiction and Support Service Organizations to Offer Free Community Resource Fair and Celebration
The Fair will connect community members with vital resources and supports, and…

More than a dozen Lane County addiction recovery, harm reduction and community providers will host a resource fair offering food, refreshments and connection to resources to help highlight and celebrate the many new services that have come online locally thanks to funding from Measure 110.
Senate Passage of HB 4002 – Statement from the Health Justice Recovery Alliance
Senate Passage of HB 4002 - Statement from the Health Justice Recovery…
Statement on House passage of HB 4002 from Health Justice Recovery Alliance, Representing Measure 110 Providers
Statement on House passage of HB 4002 from Health Justice Recovery Alliance,…

Statement on House passage of HB 4002 from Health Justice Recovery Alliance, Representing Measure 110 Providers
HJRA Statement on Oregon House Proposal to Recriminalize Addiction
HJRA Statement on Oregon House Proposal to Recriminalize Addiction
HJRA Statement on M110 SOS Audit
HJRA Statement on M110 SOS Audit
Pilot Program Gives Portland Police New Tools for Mitigating Public Drug Use, Connecting People Living Outside with Vital Addiction Services
HJRA Response to Governor's Task Force Recommendations
Provider Response to Governor’s Task Force Recommendations
HJRA Response to Governor's Task Force Recommendations