Measure 110 Funds In Action
By removing criminal penalties for personal drug use and funding addiction service providers across the state, Measure 110 has provided a real path to recovery for thousands of Oregonians – bringing real hope to our communities.
The map below shows Measure 110-funded addiction service providers across the state. If you or someone you know needs help, call 503-575-3769.
Map Key & Services

Substance Use Treatment
For anyone who wants it.

Drop-In Recovery Connection Center
Walk in to get connected to services and people who can help.

Screening & Intervention Planning
Helps connect you with the necessary steps and services to create a solid foundation for addiction recovery. Can happen at a Drop-In Recovery Connection Center or even over the phone.

Overdose Prevention
Provides access to lifesaving medication, drug education and outreach, safe places to stay and survival supplies. CDC data shows that people engaged with overdose prevention services are five times more likely to enter treatment and about three times more likely to stop using drugs.

Peer Mentoring & Support
Peer mentors are people who have lived experience and can help you every step of the way.

Housing & Housing Services
Recovery housing for individuals and – in some areas – families, rental assistance and other services. Some providers also offer transitional housing for people moving from living outside or waiting to get into treatment, other types of supportive, low-barrier housing, and even permanent housing support.

Supported Employment Services
Job training, job placement, coaching, skills training and other supports to keep you on track in your recovery.